US Shipping Information

  • USA shippers can NOT ship directly into Canada.

  • 1. FHA has a large agent network throughout the United States, and pick-up services are available in some areas. Your agent will obtain all necessary permits and documentation required to ship your fur. Your fur is insured against fire and theft while at our agent's premises and on route to North Bay. Bags and shipping tags are available from your local agent. 

    2. Clearly identify your shipment both inside and out with your name, address, licence number, postal code and telephone number. If more than one (1) bag is shipped at the same time, mark the bags "1 of 5", "2 of 5", etc. 

    3. If you have more than one bag, fill in one shipping tag for each bag. The quantities written on the tag should reflect the quantities of pelts in each bag. 

    4. Please ensure that your beaver pelts are placed flat in the bag, not rolled. Place them fur to fur, leather to leather. Try to keep beaver pelts of the same size together. 

    5. Also ensure that pelts are free of nails or staples, and all fur must be scraped and completely dry prior to shipping. For further information on how pelts should be prepared, see our Pelt Handling section. 

    6. Your bag should be tied with string. Avoid using staples or wire. 

    7. Castoreum should be dried and packaged in a paper bag or cardboard box. NEVER use plastic bags or plastic containers. See Pelt Handling for further information. 

    8. Shipping bags and tags are supplied by FHA free of charge to FHA shippers and are available at pickup points. You can also contact your local agent or FHA office for more. 

    9. If fur is being sold under a special account, remember to write the account number on the outside of the shipment and on the shipping cards as well (ie. trapper education). 

    10. Any notes enclosed with the shipment should be placed in a small plastic bag and secured to one of the pelts. 

    11. If you would like to receive our magazine in a different language (french or english), please advise us. 

    12. For advances, clearly mark an "X" in the box on the back of the shipping card. 

    13. For special instructions for processing your fur check please inform us for each sale (instructions will not be carried forward from one sale to the next.) 

    14. We only have a market for red squirrels. We do not accept black squirrels, grey squirrels, flying squirrels, or fox squirrels. We do not accept rabbit fur, bear gall bladders, teeth or claws detached from the bear hide.
  • Shipping Cites Articles (Otter, Bobcat, Lynx)

    All pelts must be correctly tagged with the CITES tag through the pelt and properly sealed. 

    Please inform your agent of ALL CITES ARTICLES when shipping. Packaging them separately from your other goods will make it much easier. 

    Improperly tagged pelts or untagged pelts will be immediately returned to the shipper, or may be subject to seizure. 

    There will be a charge for CITES articles of $2.00 per pelt for all shippers.