SALE - May 27 & 28, 2006 US Dollars |
FHA’s May 27th & 28th auction realized all time record quantities on several items. As well, we hosted the largest buyer attendance in our company’s history. These two factors helped in moving prices forward on several very important articles. Our muskrat auction set a historical high for the industry with what most buyers stated was “the finest muskrat collection in the world.” We did strive hard to maintain the high levels we set for the industry with our February sale held in Seattle, yet certain items declined marginally. Sable sold very strongly at levels 10% easier. Beaver sold well with shearing goods declining 10% and commercial goods and third section increasing 20%. Otter was reflective of our competitor’s May sale and was purchased very sparingly as we held to valuations. It is our hope the internal Chinese import problems will be solved prior to the start of the 06/07 season. Participation was strong from Greece, Hong Kong, China, North America, Europe and a large contingent of new first-time accounts coming in from Russia. We wish to sincerely thank the members of the trade for their continued growing support. Thus making this season our most successful. North Bay has handled the largest quantity of wild fur in our company’s history this season, and set industry price levels and records on several very important articles. Without the trade’s strong backing, these achievements would not have been realized. Our next and final sale of the season is scheduled for June 22, 2006. |
LOTS Top Lot of Beaver was purchased by Michael Roberge for Rusmar of Moscow, Russia. Top Lot of Sable was purchased by Pat Allalemdjian for Arca International of San Marino. Top Lot of Lynx was purchased by Lenny Tax for Genny Fur’s, Toronto. Top Lot of Lynx Cat was purchased by Chris Anthopoulis, Yukon Furs, of Toronto. Top Lot of Muskrat was purchased by Sam Trager of Gillick Fur Trading for Almar Hats of Montreal. Top Lot of Fisher was purchased by Raymond Cheung of Can Asia Fur for Regal Fur of Hong Kong. |
next sale will be held June 22, 2006. |
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